Friday, November 8, 2013

the sin of omission

while looking for information on my current crisis with my slumlord, that happens to have at least 2 vacant apartments possibly 3 in which case one would be located in the other building...

I found a website that had information for victims

tpd gave me a blue piece of paper folded in thirds, mostly it has their logo and some useless crap information, a place to write the report number for the victim, and a phone number to call and register as the victim so if he ever went to trial or to prison or was released for the crime I would be notified

it had been a year and a half and they knew I hadn't seen a doctor and I told palo verde and they sent me to samhac and samhac didn't tell me I had six months left to see a doctor and they didn't get a cat scan or mri despite how long I was unconscious which is different than asleep

and now I know there is a victims fund and I could have gotten medical help for the problems I still have the physical problems and the physical damage including the damage that can be seen, now I can't

and the cops are over paid and the system doesn't work and they attack the victims and I know they use dhs military crap to rape and steal and rape children and kill children so I can't say that I am shocked or even disturbed by their omission and im sure they spend the money elsewhere

how can I be disturbed? we are talking about people that rape and kill children even if that is by hiding evidence or keeping their mouths shut or looking the other way and simply refusing to arrest people

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