Friday, November 15, 2013

email to officer morales tpd november 15 2013

don't be a spaz, when I was your age we had residential listings with our names, addresses, and phone numbers in our phone books and it did not cause the world to suddenly explode out of existence...

Gwenyth Larsen <>
1:19 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Belinda
Good afternoon Officer Morales, my new case number is 1311098501.
The original case number is 0701010495.
I do not have the name of the officer.
My complaint is against the female sexual assault detective I spoke to in 2007 and the Tucson Police Department. I am assuming she is a detective based on her position within the department at the time.
I have injuries from being raped in 2005 and had two years from the rape to seek medical attention. She failed to inform me of that.
She did however call me a liar, told me I was his ex girlfriend and jealous and mad he dumped me and went on to tell me I was filing false charges to harass him. She told me I was lying about my injuries, which she said could have been caused by my underwear. She told me I was lying about being diagnosed with PTSD as a result of the rape.
She told me I couldn't prove any of it or that he was even in my apartment that day because I do not have a witness. *Keyhole photographs of my parking lot and the exterior of my apartment the day he raped me
She did not make any of the corrections to the report she told me she was making as we spoke, including the date which is incorrect because the rape occurred in June of that year not July, although he had the vehicle he was borrowing from us at the time and kept showing up to my apartment and hanging around until July 2nd.
I was afraid he would kill me. I did not tell police until he was in Pima County Jail for drug charges.
I did not tell police until January 1, 2007. I filed a restraining order on January 3, 2007. I went to the records department on Stone to get a copy of my report and was told it was not ready and they would mail me a copy.
I received my copy on February 14, 2007. I do not believe that to be accidental.
When I saw some of the information is incorrect I called 911 to find out how to correct the report since I had not been contacted by a detective yet. I was told to contact the detective handling my case. When I told them I had not been contacted I was told to contact the officer that I originally spoke with. I did not speak to him again since the woman that answered the phone gave me the name and number of a detective to contact but it turned out he was on medical leave at the time. I finally received a phone call from a female detective that did not make the corrections, did not update the file with her name and contact information or any information about the phone call or that it had ever taken place. I was told these facts in March 2009 when I attempted to file a complaint about her behavior towards victims. It is because of the injuries I am aware of and the problems I do know about as a result of those injuries, and the medical treatment I was denied because of her, that I have filed an online report against her.
The online form to file a report only allows one crime to be listed and the selection is very limited.
There are the crimes she committed, the crimes she is a part of within the police department, and the crimes she is a part of simply by choosing to attack the victim and refusing to investigate the crime.
Threatening and intimidating
Kidnapping *
Sexual assault *
Stalking *
Aggravated assault *
Theft of means of transportation *
Theft by extortion
Deceptive business practices
False advertising
Participating in or assisting a criminal syndicate
Fraudulent schemes and artifices
Fraudulent schemes and practices willful concealment
Illegal control of an enterprise illegally conducting an enterprise
Tampering with a public record
Tampering with physical evidence
Influencing a witness
Obstructing governmental operations
Obstructing criminal investigations or prosecutions
There is no statute of limitations on sexual assault in Arizona.
The prosecuting attorneys office told me that unless TPD charged him with a crime they could not indict him.
I would like to make it clear that I have been harassed by law enforcement since 2005 and I fear I will be further attacked by law enforcement for this complaint.
In January 2008 TPD tried to arrest me for insubordination. I do not know what they actually charged me with and I was released after seeing the judge.
In March 2009 Mesa police officers removed me from a hospital emergency room where I had gone for medical attention after being attacked where I was living and I was covered in bruises. I was taken to an office building with no employees in sight. A man came out and spoke to me. They waited several hours before taking photos of my bruises. Because I did not 'feel' like I had 'sex' while I was unconscious and being bruised I was told by police I was not attacked, I was not sexually assaulted, and I had bruised myself for attention. I was later told the building I was taken to is where victims of sexual assault and domestic violence are supposed to go for help.
I do not trust TPD and I will be posting a copy of this letter online. As a victim of the female officer and her employer Tucson Police Department, I fear further retaliation against me, family members, loved ones, and friends.
The illegal use of technology for illegal surveillance that has been used to allow and cover up crimes while documenting those crimes is not part of this complaint.
* Keyhole. Satellite surveillance. Aerial surveillance. Radiological. 13-2308.01.
Gwenyth Larsen
(520) 668 - 9430

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


When I was 18 I went to the store to purchase a book because I could not sleep. It was between 2 and 5 am. A car was following me so I did not go home. After several miles I pulled over and a man jumped in my car and grabbed my keys. I got out, so did he. I yelled at him, he threw my keys and grabbed my breast. He was in the military and at some point I was told he claimed it was a self defense move? Although I had been home for some time, it was suggested he followed me from my place of employment or had seen me there on some earlier occasion. I worked at the Empress and at the Livingroom. I believe I had been working at the Empress at the time and was working at the Livingroom when I appeared in court, so I answered as though I had been at the Livingroom at the time, which means no dark mirrored booths like the Madonna video. I simply was not expecting that to be asked and it should not have been. Rather than imply there may have been pre-meditation to his following me that night, it implied something about the victim, as if I were asking for it because of my job.
Live Nude Girls

Friday, November 8, 2013

the sin of omission

while looking for information on my current crisis with my slumlord, that happens to have at least 2 vacant apartments possibly 3 in which case one would be located in the other building...

I found a website that had information for victims

tpd gave me a blue piece of paper folded in thirds, mostly it has their logo and some useless crap information, a place to write the report number for the victim, and a phone number to call and register as the victim so if he ever went to trial or to prison or was released for the crime I would be notified

it had been a year and a half and they knew I hadn't seen a doctor and I told palo verde and they sent me to samhac and samhac didn't tell me I had six months left to see a doctor and they didn't get a cat scan or mri despite how long I was unconscious which is different than asleep

and now I know there is a victims fund and I could have gotten medical help for the problems I still have the physical problems and the physical damage including the damage that can be seen, now I can't

and the cops are over paid and the system doesn't work and they attack the victims and I know they use dhs military crap to rape and steal and rape children and kill children so I can't say that I am shocked or even disturbed by their omission and im sure they spend the money elsewhere

how can I be disturbed? we are talking about people that rape and kill children even if that is by hiding evidence or keeping their mouths shut or looking the other way and simply refusing to arrest people

Sunday, November 3, 2013

government crap

I have no idea what information or what kind of information they have about me.

Is any of it old and/or out dated?

Is any of it incorrect?

Is any of it entirely false?

Does any of it violate my rights and freedoms?

Is any of it invasive or intrusive?

Is any of it illegal?

Is any of the information gathered using any method that is illegal or partially illegal?

Is any of it in any way a medical procedure or using medical technology or technology that is considered medical when used on a human being?

Is any of it harmful to humans or our environment including altering or adulterating our air or food or water or other things we absorb, inhale, ingest, or inject?

What about the information proving they have done any or all of those things to me?