Wednesday, October 2, 2013

if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear ... cops DHS contractors etc...

then again, if ya'll have nothing to hide, ya'll have nothing to fear (and the NSA is your greatest fear I'm sure)

the National Security Archive damns the Bush administration as forewarned they could be tried for war crimes for their torture policy

so apparently Mesa, AZ will hire high school drop outs with GEDs to be cops at a starting pay of 50K plus benefits and Tucson, AZ will do the same at a few thousand less

keep in mind the cops are beyond dirty, especially in AZ, and for most crimes against citizens their internal affairs department says they didn't do anything wrong, and even if they rip off the evidence rooms for millions they get a slap on the wrist

(except the torture thing, that is bad, of course the new DHS surveillance previously military surveillance means there is no such thing as a secret or friendly fire even on the border so watch it, department of corrections gets over 10% of our state budget and Corporate Prisons of America has lobbyists that rely on prisoners not corpses)

police violence in a police state is state sanctioned violence (violence that is open policy or it is an open secret that the government will look the other way and not charge police with crimes and if they do the penalties will be light if it is prosecuted at all)

state sanctioned violence is part of genocide and the poor and ridiculous prohibition laws for drug use are both targeted populations, as well as criminals, students, females, or any other group even if it is not based on religion or skin color

genocide brings us to crimes against humanity (Blackwater)

genocide also brings us to DynCorp and selling children for prostitution and snuff films in Bosnia during the 90s

and the International Criminal Court IS The Hague so I don't know why that is being thrown around like the Hauge would be a big fucking deal but the International Criminal Court is a fucking joke? personally I would prefer to bring justice to them right here in the good ole US of A where we have the death penalty and of course our war crimes law for torture is, unless the victim is dead or at any point in the future dies from their wounds then the sentence is death

either way, yes the International Criminal Court is gearing up to try W at the Hauge

no, it is not a 'fair trial' because it is not everyone that qualifies to be tried by the International Criminal Court

George W Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, George Tenet, John Ashcroft, John C Yoo, George H W Bush, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder, just for starters ...

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