Monday, August 26, 2013

originally posted on facebook - calm down when i grew up we had phone books with our names numbers and address in them

ADOC follow up to allignment of arrest pattern following contact

August 26, 2013 at 5:34pm
Threats aginst myself and Sean Heinemann by the Department of Defence/Departmet of Homeland Security/law enforcement & government at state/federal/local/county/and city levels (both government and those working for the government directly or indirectly as participants in state sanctioned violence which is a stage of genocide, terrorism, war crimes, violations of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaratation of Independence, and facilitating the use of humans for science, technology, torture, labor, and/or entertainment).
Previously threats to arrest him if we had contact were fullfilled by Tucson Police Department, the Pima County Sherrifs Department, and the Arizona Department of Corrections.
I have been threatened and those threats include that they will kill him and/or torture him if we have contact. He sent me visitation forms and I am going to contact him because our laws all protect us from such abuses by law enforcement and i am aware law enforcement does not enforce the laws it must follow and enforces the laws that violate our Constitution. Any harm done to him or by allowing others to harm him is done knowingly and with premeditation on the part of law enforcement. I am documenting this online and republishing it on several blog pages as evidence of premeditated homicide in the first degree with the eligability for the death penalty in the event they follow through on those threats. I have contacted the International Criminal Court about the events within the United States of America and the attack against our citizens by the military and police.
August 26, 2013
5:43 pm
Gwenyth Carol Larsen
2331 N Ralph
Tucson, AZ 865712
  • Gwenyth Larsen this is my little section of our wall as we are attacked by our government and I would like facebook to please protect this information because it is evidence of our governments crimes

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

government employees - pedeophiles, rapists, nazis, and murderers

the government has been desperately hiding from itself and challenging laws they are guilty of as it becomes inevitable the population will be fully aware of the technology used and how it has been abused in order to prey on our citizens

rape pedophilia sex slavery and crimes of science

the 'rape culture' and the many police departments that do not investigate rape correctly if at all because they are participants in the crimes and selling kids for pornography and snuff films and attacking Americans with science and technology trying to make Manchurian candidate sex slaves ala Jeffery Dahmer creepy crap (we do recall the police returning one of his victims to him when he approached them, the victim was an apparently underage male wearing nothing but handcuffs running through a parking lot near a fast food restaurant in his attempt to escape. it is doubtful he spoke no English as I do not believe I have EVER met anyone from another country that speaks no English and help and no should have been in his vocabulary because the world knows we are jerks and very few of us are likely to speak their language at all...and what about asking to see his travel visa and putting him in touch with his embassy?)

they spy on your children in the shower, they stalk people, they terrorize people, and they claim it illegal (helps that the cops aren't going to arrest themselves, so go figure)

secret laws and secret science are not legal. read the damn declaration of independence. \